Listen to our clients share their personal stories of healing

“For years I had been suffering from chronic debilitating headaches, from chronic body pain, fatigue, cognitive problems, behavioral problems - all associated with traumatic brain injury. After 20 hyperbaric dives I was able to sleep again for the first time in years...I started feeling emotions that I hadn't felt for years...I got home to my family and they were amazed by the changes...I felt that five years after coming home from war, that I had finally come home to my family.”

— Retired Army Major Ben Richards

Before HBOT treatments: “I've got balance issues, double vision, a lot of memory Issues. I can remember now back to about three years ago...I'm dealing with mood swings - one minute I'm happy and in a good mood, the next minute I'm yelling.”

After 40 HBOT treatments: “I feel tons better. Depression started going away... concentration got better. My moods got a lot better. My temper got a lot eyes got better, the headaches started going away...I can focus, I can finish work, I can plan things, I can sleep right. I'm so happy and so grateful to everybody here.”

— Retired Police Officer Bill

Before HBOT treatments: "I was in Afghanistan and I was in an IED blast. My driver lost control of the vehicle that we were in, and it rolled, throwing me out of it.

I forget everything. I can't read books like I used to, I have to read a paragraph two or three times to make sense of it. It's made it really hard to work...There's no short term memory anymore...I don't think I sleep more than a couple hours a night."

After 40 HBOT treatments: “My sleep patterns are so much better…I don't have balls of anxiety inside memory has definitely improved…I can read again, I can actually make it through books…my performance at work has improved…my performance at home has improved.”

— Retired Navy Intelligence Analyst Michael

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